How to prepare the substrate before laying tiles?

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Prepare the substrate before laying tiles

Tile is a durable and aesthetic flooring material that can be used in many rooms in the home. Despite its longevity and durability, tile cannot be installed on just any type of surface. Before starting to lay the tiles, it is important to prepare the substrate to ensure that the tiles stay in place and last a long time. In this article, we will explain how to prepare the substrate before laying tiles.

Step 1: Clean the media

The first step in preparing the substrate before laying tiles is to clean it. You must remove all the dirt, dust and debris that has accumulated on the floor. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust, and a broom or damp sponge to remove debris. Be sure to dry the floor thoroughly before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Level the support

Once the floor is clean and dry, you should check to see if it is level. If the floor is not level, you will need to level it before tiling. You can use a spirit level to check if the floor is level. If the ground is not level, you will need to use sand or cement to level it. Be sure to mix the sand or cement well with water before applying it to the floor.

Step 3: Apply a primer

Once the floor is clean, dry and level, you should apply a primer to the floor. The primer is a special coat of paint that helps to adhere the tiles to the floor. You can buy a primer from a DIY store and apply it to the floor with a roller. Be sure to read the instructions on the package carefully before applying.

Step 4: Apply adhesive

Once the primer is applied and dry, you need to apply an adhesive to the floor. The adhesive is a special glue that helps hold the tile in place. You can buy an adhesive from a DIY store and apply it to the floor with a putty knife. Be sure to read the instructions on the package carefully before applying.


Preparing the substrate before laying tiles is an important step to ensure that the tiles stay in place and last a long time. It is important to clean the floor, level it and apply a primer and an adhesive before laying the tiles. If you follow these steps, you will be able to prepare the substrate correctly and lay the tile successfully.

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