How do I maintain my floor?

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Maintaining your soil: the essential steps

The temporality linked to the maintenance of the soil is very important: indeed, preventive maintenance makes it possible to avoid sometimes irreversible damage to the crops or plants of your vegetable patch or garden, but also to keep it pleasant and lasting. It is therefore important to perform a few simple actions that will contribute to the beauty and health of your soil.

Structure the soil and aerate it

Regularly cleaning the soil helps to limit weeds and weeds and better prepare it to receive crops. It is then necessary to scratch the ground without digging but by treading it (or trampling it) and by scraping it using claws, to get rid of the weeds. By the way, you allow the natural circulation of air and water in the soil.

Scratch the ground well

A good scratcher must scan the ground to depths of about 15 to 20 cm to oxygenate the soil and rid it of weeds. In order to obtain good results, it is advisable to scratch the ground with angular movements, as birds do on the ground on a mission to search for food.

Compost the soil

Composting is a natural and environmentally friendly method of soil improvement. You can use this method to naturally improve the compilation and organization of garden soil. Composting consists of using organic matter and fermented waste to enrich the soil. The material can be added to the soil once it has been fully composted. It is also possible to use compost to make ecological organic products.

Use mulches

In addition to nourishing the soil and improving its structure, mulching should also protect the soil from the sun’s rays. Mulch is made from organic and biological materials, which when broken down provide nutrients and organic matter. Mulches are usually made from wood chips, scrap paper or newspapers, kitchen scraps, and even plant matter.

Fighting weeds

One of the most common methods used to eliminate weeds is the use of chemicals which can be dangerous for health and the environment. However, there are natural and eco-friendly solutions for controlling weeds, such as crop rotation, use of rainwater and compost, soil thinning and mulching.

Water the soil properly

Watering the soil directly allows the water to infiltrate the soil and the roots to absorb the humidity necessary for their proper development. The trick is to water in the morning at the driest time of the day (and not in the evening) using a garden hose or a calibrated automatic watering system to allow optimal absorption. of the ground.

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