How to lay a concrete staircase?

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Installing a concrete staircase: an easy task

Laying a concrete staircase is not as complicated as it seems. With the step-by-step instructions provided below, you will soon be able to build a durable and safe staircase.

Step 1: Prepare the concrete

The first step is to prepare the concrete and mix it. You will need a concrete mixer if you plan to work in large quantities. You will also need to buy sand and cement.

Step 2: Prepare the ground

The second step is to prepare the ground. This involves digging the ground to the desired depth and leveling the ground. You will also need to install wooden supports to hold the concrete in place.

Step 3: Lay the concrete

In this step, you will need to pour the concrete into the molds that you have prepared. Make sure the concrete is level and there are no bubbles. After the concrete is poured, allow it to dry and harden for 24 hours.

Step 4: Finishes

Once the concrete has cured, you can add finishes to the staircase. You will likely need sanding, sealer or coating to protect against the weather. You can also paint the staircase to make it more aesthetic.


Laying a concrete staircase is easier than it looks. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and take the time to do it right. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you’ll be able to build long-lasting, beautiful stairs that you can enjoy for years to come.

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