How to do small plumbing jobs yourself?

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How to do small plumbing jobs yourself?

Do you have a plumbing problem and want to fix it yourself? You can do small plumbing jobs without hiring a professional. However, it is important to be well informed before you start and to understand how the different elements work. Here are some tips to help you do small plumbing jobs yourself.

Study the problem

Before you begin, it is important to understand the problem and determine the cause of the failure. Check to see if the problem is with the water supply, sewage disposal, or something else. If the problem is related to the water supply, check if it is cut off or if it is blocked. If the problem is related to the evacuation of waste water, check if the pipes are clogged or if the pump has broken down.

Gather the necessary tools

Once you figure out the problem, you need to gather the necessary tools to fix it. You will need an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver, a hammer and a saw. You will also need fittings, hoses and rubber seals to fix the hoses. Make sure you have all the necessary tools before starting work.

Cut and connect the pipes

Once you have gathered the necessary tools, you can cut and connect the pipes. To cut the pipe, use a sharp saw. Be sure to cut the pipe to the correct length and cleanly cut the ends. Once the pipe is cut, you can connect it to the other pipes using fittings and rubber gaskets. Check that the fittings are tight and remember to shut off the water supply before starting work.

Check for leaks

Once you have completed the job, check for any leaks. You can do this by visually checking the fittings or by using a towel or rag to check for leaks. If leaks are present, tighten fittings and rubber seals. If the problem persists, it is best to call a professional.


Carrying out small plumbing jobs yourself is possible, but it is important to be well informed before starting. Make sure you have all the necessary tools, cut and connect pipes carefully, and check for leaks before finishing the job. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to call a professional.

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